
With a minor in Latin, 学生发展他们的语言技能,了解古罗马世界的文化和历史. 辅修课程丰富了赌博娱乐平台网址大全广泛的学科, 让学生有机会将古典研究与人文学科结合起来, science, or professional programs.

Fast Facts
  • 该系有两个学生研究实验室,在那里他们与系教师密切合作:早期书籍和手稿实验室和罗马世界实验室.
  • 学生主导的荷马协会参与了国家荷马多文本项目的数字人文工作.
  • 赌博娱乐平台网址大全与西南德克萨斯考古学会合作,赞助来访专家的讲座.
  • 该部门与圣安东尼奥艺术博物馆有合作关系, which has a strong classical art collection.


What You'll Study

A linguistic heritage that spans millennia



在所有古典研究课程中,学生享受与教师的个人互动, 尤其是高年级的研讨会和语言课. Classics faculty are known for close mentorship, fostered through small class sizes, undergraduate research, and field trips.

headshot of Nicolle Hirshfeld
Nicolle Hirschfeld, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Headshot of Erwin Cook
Erwin Cook, Ph.D.
Murchison Distinguished Professor
Headshot of Matthew Finnie
Matthew Finnie, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor
headshot of Rebecca Kahane_2022
Becky Kahane, J.D., Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor
" "
Sira Schulz
Part-Time Faculty

Student Opportunities

A mosaic of opportunities




Honors Programs

Trinity offers an honors program in classics.

Research Opportunities

学生专业在全国各地的本科生研究研讨会上发表论文. 他们还与教师一起进行研究,包括在...

Study Abroad



学生们可以在圣安东尼奥艺术博物馆探索强大的古典收藏, with work that focuses on conservation, museum administration...

Spaces and Facilities


Student Organizations

A student-led group, the HOMER society, 定期召开会议,参与国家荷马多文本项目的数字人文工作. 


Student Awards and Recognition

Each year, 在赌博娱乐平台网址大全的荣誉颁奖典礼上,古典研究系表彰了一些优秀学生的成就. The...

Lecture Series and Annual Events

Throughout the academic year, the department sponsors and hosts play readings, colloquia, visiting lecturers, movies, and more. The department holds a...

When You Graduate

The heroic quest continues

古典校友的未来是光明的——他们离开赌博娱乐平台网址大全时具备了对书面文件和材料记录进行深入思考的能力, synthesize evidence across disciplines, 并有效地表达自己的口头和书面.


许多古典文学专业的学生继续攻读古典文学的研究生学位, archaeology, history, philosophy, 以及其他相关领域或专业领域, such as law, medicine, public health, museum studies, and library science. 一些专业现在在中学阶段教授拉丁语, 而另一些人则从事商业顾问或专业作家的职业.

Graduate Schools or Programs:

  • Princeton University
  • Rutgers University
  • UNC - Chapel Hill
  • UCLA
  • University of California, Berkley
  • University of Chicago

Career Areas:

  • Business
  • Education
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Politics
  • Publishing
  • Science


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